Tag: Birds

Birds history

What is the evolutionary history of birds?

The Origins of Birds: A Journey Through Evolution From Dinosaurs to Birds The journey of bird evolution begins in the Jurassic Period, over 150 million years ago. Birds, or Aves, arose from theropod dinosaurs, part of the Paraves subgroup. The discovery of Archaeopteryx linked birds to dinosaurs, displaying both avian and dinosaur traits. Today’s birds […]


Uncovering the Diverse Bird Species of North America

Birdwatchers, prepare to embark on a captivating journey! North America, a paradise for avian enthusiasts, teems with a myriad of bird species, each flaunting unique traits, vibrant colors, and enchanting melodies. In this guide, we’ll delve into the exquisite world of North American birds, revealing the rich diversity of this continent’s feathered inhabitants. A continent […]
