Category: history

Birds history

Serina: A Natural History of the World of Birds

Welcoming Serina Let’s embark on a journey to Serina, an extraordinary world where birds flourish. Interestingly, this realm has no mammals to challenge the birds, setting the stage for a unique evolutionary adventure. The Inception of Serina Initially, Serina was a blank ecological canvas. Simple yet crucial, birds, alongside a smattering of plants and insects, […]

Birds history

What is the evolutionary history of birds?

The Origins of Birds: A Journey Through Evolution From Dinosaurs to Birds The journey of bird evolution begins in the Jurassic Period, over 150 million years ago. Birds, or Aves, arose from theropod dinosaurs, part of the Paraves subgroup. The discovery of Archaeopteryx linked birds to dinosaurs, displaying both avian and dinosaur traits. Today’s birds […]
